School is open today !

Crownfield Junior School

Welcome from the Head teacher

Our school is a friendly, happy place to be where children are supported, listened to and where everyone has the right to feel valued. We are proud of the pupils and their politeness, respect and sense of fun!  Our most recent Ofsted Report (June 2018), described us as having ‘a strong culture of care.'  They also stated that 'Pupils are extremely polite and well behaved. In lessons, they are engaged in their learning and listen to one another respectfully.'

We  give the children a broad and balanced curriculum and encourage them to develop their skills and interests,  celebrating them whether they are school based or at home. We aim to focus on the positives and achievements of all and support and educate when wrong choices are made.

The very experienced, long serving staff are dedicated to the learning of your children  and giving them the best education we can and that they deserve. We are always looking for ways to further develop their skills through regular training opportunities and by joining forces with the Mawney Foundation School in the newly founded Learning and Achieving Federation, where good practice and ideas are being shared across the two schools.

Above all, we are striving to make Crownfield Junior a community where all are involved – staff, parents, guardians and of course, the children,  and all are listened to.  We encourage the views of all and work hard to improve by taking them on board.

Crownfield is on an exciting journey and we hope that you want to be a part of it!


Gill Horne


Our School Vision

We value each individual and aspire to create a family through a culture of care. Crownfield strives to be an environment where children feel safe, supported and listened to. We aim to provide positive role models, fostering key skills for life: confidence, resilience, empathy, communication, independence and curiosity through inspiring teaching. Our vision is to raise student’s aspirations by motivating them to discover their passion and ‘dream big’ to expand their horizons. Our children will be equipped to continue their journey towards becoming respectful adults, who embrace diversity and make positive contributions to their community and beyond.