The Learning and Achieving Federation

The Learning and Achieving Federation

  1. Key Information
  2. Shared Policies

Federation Policies

These policies have been reviewed and to the best of our knowledge we do not feel that they adversely impact on any group or individual within our school community.

Accessibility Plan

Antibullying Policy 

Attendance Policy

Breakfast Club Policy

CCTV Policy

Celebration and Reflection Policy (Behaviour Policy) for Crownfield Junior School

Celebration and Reflection Policy (Behaviour Policy) for Mawney Foundation School

Charging and Remissions Policy

Child on Child Abuse Policy

Children Left at School Policy

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy

Children Missing Education (Havering Policy)

Complaints Policy and Procedure

Equality Policy

First Aid Policy

First Day Absence Policy

Freedom of Information Policy

Health and Safety Policy

Home School Agreement: Crownfield Junior School

Home School Agreement: The Mawney Foundation School

Keeping Children Safe In Education (KCSIE)

Managing Medication and Allergies Policy

Managing Serial and Unreasonable Complaints Policy

Music Development Plan (Crownfield Junior School)

Music Development Plan (Mawney Foundation School)

Online Safety Policy

Positive Handling Policy

Prevent Risk Assessment

Privacy Notice

PSHCE and RSE Policy: Crownfield Junior

PSHCE and RSE Policy: Mawney

Pupil Premium Strategy: Mawney

Pupil Premium Strategy: Crownfield Junior

Remote Education/Learning (Blended Learning) Policy

Safer Recruitment Policy

SEND Local Offer

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Policy

Sport Premium Funding Report and Planned Use (Federation)

Tackling Extremism and Radicalisation Policy

Whistleblowing Policy, Managing Allegations and Low Level Concern Policy