The Learning and Achieving Federation

The Learning and Achieving Federation

  1. Crownfield Junior School
  2. School Information
  3. Crownfield School Policies

Crownfield Junior School Policies

These policies have been reviewed and to the best of our knowledge we do not feel that they adversely impact on any group or individual within our school community.

Crownfield Junior School Policies

 Attendance Policy.docxDownload
 Capability Policy.docxDownload
 Celebration and reflection policy.docxDownload
 Charging & Remissions Policy.docxDownload
 Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy.docxDownload
 Complaints Policy and procedure.docxDownload
 Federation Accessibility Plan.docxDownload
 First Aid Policy and Risk Assessment.docxDownload
 Pay Policy.docxDownload
 PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic education) Policy 2022-2023.docxDownload
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